Seventeen years ago we got 5″ white sturgeon fingerlings from Oregon, and they are now 4-5 feet long. Looks like the guys below may have met their great-great-great-grandmother. Bottom line…they never stop growing and can easily live over one hundred years! Our sturgeon are a children’s favorite at the farm, and have been part of our petting zoo for many years. I guess if we wait long enough, we may have to offer rides!
This Sturgeon was caught on the Willamette River just below Oregon City two weeks ago. It weighed out at over 1,000 lbs and measured out at 11’1″. It was 56″ around the girth and took over 6 and a half hours, and 4 dozen beers, for the 4 guys taking turns at the reeling it in. Any Sturgeon OVER six feet has to be released unharmed and cannot be removed from the water. They are brood / breeding stock and probably older than most of us.