Darwin (Hollandia) Water Lily
Hardy lily with light-pink flowers and burgundy to dark green lily pads. The leaves also shade the water helping to reduce algae and providing shelter for animals and help protect fish from predators such as herons. The large, light pink double flowers have a slight fragrance. Darwin is a very good blooming hardy water lily. The peony-shaped blooms are 5-6 inches in diameter and have 35 to 36 petals. Plant in still water away from splashing fountains. Lower gradually so the leaves can stretch to the surface within a few days.
Hardiness: Zones 4-11
Use: Medium to large ponds
Exposure: Full sun to partial shade
Where to plant: Still water 20″-40″ deep
Coverage: Spreads up to 4′
Always call before coming (937-652-3701) to check on availability